Ron LeGrand Millionaire Maker Blog
Ron LeGrand Millionaire Maker
Will Next Year Be Different (part 2 of 2)
Ron LeGrand
Dec 27 2010
Overcoming Obstacles
By Barbara “BJ” LeGrand Cockrell
To read part 1 of this article, go here.
Last week, Ron LeGrand's article “Will Next Year Be Different?” addressed those who want to better their future, may even invest in a training program opportunity to implement that change, but then fail to commit in following through. “I cannot do a thing for the many that do nothing. I can, however, do a lot for those who will follow proven, step-by-step plans.”
“You might ask,” he said, “if you are somebody who has NOT followed through on your ideas or other opportunities in the past: why will next year be different?” Stressing the importance of learning and following his methods through to the letter, and not running off half-cocked with “just enough information to get into trouble,” he ended part 1 mentioning that the training is effective because, beyond the rosy picture, it also clearly presents the “problems and pitfalls and mistakes to avoid.”
If your New Years resolution is to act on the training and realize the true financial independence Ron's methods can help you achieve, let's take up where Ron left off and identify those obstacles now, so that you can overcome them quickly and work to success in 2011.
As part of his Quick Start Real Estate Training School, Ron LeGrand spells out the 12 most common mistakes that students make; and, how to avoid them. Let's take a look at each obstacle and solution.
1. Buying in the wrong area: Identify the war zones (low income, heavy crime) and avoid them. Determine the area you want to work.
2. Paying too much: The only way to find the market value of a house is to do a Comparable Market Analysis (CMA). Only sold houses can be used for the comparison. You must pay well below After Repaired Value (ARV).
3. Working with the wrong agents: If you have difficulty getting the facts from Realtors or run into one who is just impossible to deal with, whack 'em. Ron prefers to find the houses first and back into the agents. Here's your script: “Hello ____, I'm inquiring about the house at ______ with your sign on it. Could you fax/email me the MLS sheet on it if it's still available so I can get you an offer tomorrow? I buy 2 or 3 a month and I've got some capital I need to put to work quickly. Do you have more like this you can send?”
4. Worrying too much about repair costs: Your training has guidelines for estimating repair costs. If you don't feel comfortable estimating repairs after listening to the course, remember, you don't have to be that close. A few thousand dollars off will not destroy the deal if you make offers as taught. You'll learn as you grow. If you intend to buy and rehab a house you should get repair estimates before you close.
5. Letting lack of money stop you from making offers: You will not buy bank owned properties from the MLS without proof of funds. You can use any bank statement from a relative or friend or even a private lender. The statement usually doesn't have to come from the buyers account. You can also use IRA accounts, stock or money market accounts, as well as services provided by other companies. See the Rolodex in your Gold Club resource section for sources.
6. Not prequalifying prospects: To buy houses, focus on the areas where people who can qualify for the loan want to live. The best locations for wholesaling opportunities are the area just outside the war zones. You want areas in what Ron calls the demilitarized zone (DMZ) where properties are easy to find and sell because a larger percentage of buyers will be able to afford it. To prequalify buyer prospects, make sure they have money or credit, or don't waste any time with them. If they do, get enough information while on the phone to complete an application and send it to your lender. Wait for their opinion of the financibility and terms available for your prospect. If it's a go, have prospect meet to get a deposit and Application Receipt Agreement signed.
7. Not making enough offers: If you want to make money in real estate, Ron suggests you buy some property. In order to do that, the first step to take is to locate prospects. If you fail here…IT'S OVER! Have you ever seen a restaurant with good food go out of business? All that means is that the chef makes great food, but hasn't learned one of the basic fundamentals of any business…LOCATE PROSPECTS. All businesses must find people to buy their product or service…including yours!
8. No follow-up system: It's up to you to make sure the loans get processed as fast as possible. The buyer should pay for the appraisal and credit report at time of application. Once the loan is approved, it's time to order the PITTS…Payoff letter, Insurance, Termite report, Title, Survey. Now it's time to set a closing date.
9. Not building a buyers list: Use the methods taught to build your list properly the first time and you'll never have to do it again. You're looking for investors or owner/occupants serious about buying bargains. Once you learn to prescreen your prospects lightening fast, you'll create a pile of prospects you can phone the next time you get a good deal. You won't need to worry about running an ad.
10. Not learning the rest of the business: You need to know about lease options, options and getting the deed. You must gain the knowledge needed to succeed in multiple facets of real estate or any other business endeavor if you want to maximize your profits. Make sure you take advantage of learning opportunities and resources available to you through your Gold club site.
11. Taking advice from unqualified advisors: Ron finds the smartest experts he can and makes them his partner.
12. Listening to the dream stealers: Listening to those who insist you have no right to succeed and want you to fail (to keep them company) is poison. Here's Ron's reality surrounding critics: “You will likely never do business with them, give money to them, buy from them or sell to them, marry or procreate with them, take advice from or give advice to them or establish any kind of a meaningful relationship of any kind with them, so…why do you give a rat's ass what they have to say? The supply of these folks is endless, so unfortunately, we can't stamp them out - we can only put up with them like we do roaches, rats, politicians, and other pests.”
What other obstacles may be keeping you from the goals you originally established? It's not just about being busy. Being busy will not make you rich; in fact, it can have the opposite effect, preventing you from ever achieving wealth. Don't get me wrong - rich people are busy too. Ron LeGrand is typically very busy with an endless supply of items to work on that suck up his time. The difference is that he constantly and consciously works on only those items that are worthy of his attention and that can't be delegated.
Ron says the biggest obstacle he had to overcome himself was not getting the proper training up front. He spent years cleaning up the mess. As a Ron LeGrand student, you don't have to make those same mistakes. For those willing to listen, learn, and then act, it doesn't take long to master the business and see big checks coming in quickly.
You don't have to wait to be an expert before you start to make money. Ron's advice is to get that first check coming in at lightning speed, within 30 days.
Ron LeGrand and Gold Club can help you reach your goals faster than you may have believed possible, teaching you how to access an amazing world of opportunity that will empower you to more quickly accumulate wealth. But, ultimately, it's up to you to act on these opportunities if you are going to realize true success. Understand the obstacles and overcome them. Realize the steps you need to take and take them, one at a time. As Ron says, “If you're not willing to put yourself under pressure by creating self-imposed deadlines, then you can't bitch if you don't become a super-achiever. All high performers create their own deadlines.”
So as you make your resolutions for the new year, get out your planner, and awaken the financial genius within you.
If you are interested in Ron LeGrand's Quick Start Real Estate School, taking place February 10-13, 2011 in Fort Lauderdale, FL, go here for complete information.

My name is Ron LeGrand and one of the things I enjoy most is seeing people achieve Financial Freedom and fulfill their dreams. Fortunately, I get to see that happen frequently.
Before we go any further, let's clear one thing may have heard it said that I’m a "Millionaire Maker." This is absolutely true. I’m personally responsible for helping many people rise into the world of the wealthy and in fact, I’ve included just a few of their success stories here on my website so you can enjoy reading about their achievements, just like I do.
But we’re talking about YOU now! How can you get started in Real Estate and move quickly toward Financial Freedom? The answer is really quite simple ...
Your Financial Future Awaits You!
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Will Next Year Be Different (part 2 of 2)
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