Wholesaling/Flipping Ugly Houses: Someone's Always Waiting
Ron LeGrand
Feb 26 2011
Someone's Always Waiting
Wholesaling/Flipping Ugly Houses, part 5
by Barbara "BJ" LeGrand Cockrell
Some will.. some won't.
So what? Someone's waiting.
Words to live by in the wonderful world of wholesaling and foreclosures. I ended last w...
Wholesaling/Flipping Ugly Houses: The 4 "SW's" Of Prescreening Perseverance
Ron LeGrand
Feb 18 2011
The 4 "SW's" Of Prescreening Perseverance
Wholesaling/Flipping Ugly Houses, part 5
by Barbara "BJ" LeGrand Cockrell
Following Ron's advice over the years, and having attended ALL of his training (numerous times) to become a real estate maste...
6 Essential Things To Do On Friday To Make Monday Morning More Manageable
Ron LeGrand
Feb 11 2011
by Alyssa GregorySource: www.blogspot.com
I don't know about you, but since starting to work for myself years ago, I've completely gotten rid of that overwhelming feeling of dread that used to overtake me on Sunday nights. You know, the feeling that t...
Wholesaling/Flipping Ugly Houses: Prescreening Assistance
Ron LeGrand
Feb 03 2011
Part 4, by Barbara “BJ” LeGrand Cockrell
Are you thinking like a millionaire and asking yourself “What Would Ron Do?”
If so, then you already know that your best bet is to get someone else to prescreen your prospects. If yo...
Wonderful World of Wholesaling: Locating Lots of Leads
Ron LeGrand
Jan 24 2011
Part 3, by Barbara “BJ” LeGrand Cockrell
To successfully operate your real estate business and maintain great cash flow, you must focus on detailed activities and keep moving forward! Don't worry - you don't have to be the Energizer B...
Is It All In My Mind? YES!
Ron LeGrand
Jan 21 2011
By Barbara “BJ” LeGrand Cockrell
Absolutely! It all starts in our minds - whether it involves our finances or our body. In my last column we talked about New Year's resolutions. And what's the most popular one we hear? "I'm going to exe...
Get On The Right Track.. Ron LeGrand's Fast Track To Wealth
Ron LeGrand
Jan 05 2011
Ron LeGrand's journey from garage mechanic to his prominence today as a real estate guru and millionaire maker was a long one; but, having taken that road, he's developed training methods and a plan that can put you on the "Fast Track To Wealth" that h...
Will Next Year Be Different (part 2 of 2)
Ron LeGrand
Dec 27 2010
Overcoming Obstacles
By Barbara “BJ” LeGrand Cockrell
To read part 1 of this article, go here.
Last week, Ron LeGrand's article “Will Next Year Be Different?” addressed those who want to better their future, may even in...
Will Next Year Be Different? (part 1 of 2)
Ron LeGrand
Dec 22 2010
By Ron LeGrand
part 1 of 2
Anybody, and I mean anybody can, in fact, start from zero, follow proven instructions like mine, make a lot of money and ultimately get rich in real estate,as proven from my own students' examples. To be fair, only a tiny n...
Enhanced Internet Marketing Through AutoBlogging
Ron LeGrand
Dec 15 2010
by Antoine Moore & Paul Bell
If you are marketing your business on the Internet, or making money directly by selling online, you've no doubt heard time and again how beneficial it can be to both your marketing and search engine optimiz...

My name is Ron LeGrand and one of the things I enjoy most is seeing people achieve Financial Freedom and fulfill their dreams. Fortunately, I get to see that happen frequently.
Before we go any further, let's clear one thing up...you may have heard it said that I’m a "Millionaire Maker." This is absolutely true. I’m personally responsible for helping many people rise into the world of the wealthy and in fact, I’ve included just a few of their success stories here on my website so you can enjoy reading about their achievements, just like I do.
But we’re talking about YOU now! How can you get started in Real Estate and move quickly toward Financial Freedom? The answer is really quite simple ...
Your Financial Future Awaits You!
Recent Episodes
Wholesaling/Flipping Ugly Houses: Someone's Always WaitingWholesaling/Flipping Ugly Houses: The 4 "SW's" Of Prescreening Perseverance
6 Essential Things To Do On Friday To Make Monday Morning More Manageable
Wholesaling/Flipping Ugly Houses: Prescreening Assistance
Wonderful World of Wholesaling: Locating Lots of Leads
Is It All In My Mind? YES!
Get On The Right Track.. Ron LeGrand's Fast Track To Wealth
Will Next Year Be Different (part 2 of 2)
Will Next Year Be Different? (part 1 of 2)
Enhanced Internet Marketing Through AutoBlogging