Ron LeGrand Millionaire Maker Blog

Ron LeGrand Millionaire Maker

Turn Time Into Wealth

Ron LeGrand

Dec 09 2010

Barbara “BJ” LeGrand Cockrell

One of the key factors in success is the way you link time to money. Another is how you think in terms of investing your time. For those aspiring to Ron LeGrand's level of success, you'll quickly see the common thread. The successful are always looking for ways to get more for less. The goal is to effectively reduce minutes spent working while making more money. For these leaders, “work smarter.. not harder” is a key part of their business plan, with a sincere focus to working only to produce monetary wealth!

Typically, people need to achieve a certain level of financial success before they open their minds to the consideration that money is only one aspect of true wealth. Some wake up every morning feeling wealthy regardless of their bank balance. Those people have found wealth in work that genuinely interests them, or in bringing great joy and fulfillment through their perceived contribution to society. For such feelings as these, you don't need millions of dollars or huge estates to achieve true wealth.

Napoleon Hill spent an entire life motivating people to pursue great goals, including riches. Later in his life he wrote Grow Rich with Peace of Mind; in which, after acquiring and losing great riches over a long career, he brought forward the idea of achieving total wealth in a bigger and broader sense than the accumulation of financial wealth.

You must know WHY you want to be successful; and, then, you need to rid yourself of excuses and build momentum to those success goals you wish to achieve.

For students of Ron LeGrand's training, success might be found in achieving wealth through real estate, or in better managing any business - be it brick and mortar or online - that might realize your dreams. Past columns have detailed the importance of writing down the project goals you need to complete in achieving that ultimate goal you truly desire. Your written plan will keep you on target, even in the face of distractions. Keep focused. Anything you want can be obtained with concentration and effort. Nothing becomes impossible. As long as you know what you want, you can get there.

How, then, to turn your time into wealth? First you must decide what “wealth” really means to you. Create some magic and put down on paper:

  • A list of the Ten Biggest Reasons you want to be successful
  • How much is “sufficient income?” What do you reasonably need to support your family and the lifestyle in which you wish to live?
  • A clear, detailed picture of what your life would look like and how you would live if you had that “number” in place, i.e., a vision board. Does this picture include traveling to Europe twice a year, a vacation home, creating your own charitable foundation? You decide those passions - your personal representations of wealth
  • Obstacles in your path and possible ways to remove them
  • Established yearly, monthly, and weekly targets and benchmarks

Upon completion of this exercise, ask yourself again, “what would I do if I could do anything in the world I wanted?” If the answer comes to you as a clear picture, you can now better judge for yourself whether the choices you have made in using your time have been solidly in sync with creating those aspects of wealth you desire. You can then get into a place where there is magic, and from which you cannot fail.

Earl Nightingale once observed that, “a time can come for each of us when more will happen in six months than transpired in the previous five years.” Life changing events can be compressed into remarkably short periods of time. It's often the payoff an entrepreneur gets from periods of hard work, struggle, and sacrifice. It's a massive time of productivity when everything works, you're flooded with client prospects, and opportunities abound. This is the magic time when doors swing open and income soars.

Some people let their own emotional and psychological messes start setting up roadblocks to slow things down if good things start happening too quickly. If you do not take control of the negative self-talk that creeps into your mind and re-direct those thoughts to stay focused on the goals, you'll let your subconscious convince you of failure before you even finish.

To turn your time into wealth, be in pursuit of worthwhile, well-defined “WHY” goals. "Why do I want to be successful?" Step up your association with other high-performance people, do the next right thing, and look for your big break. Don't allow others - or even worse, yourself - to set psychological roadblocks that will slow down your momentum when good things start happening at a rapid pace. Reject negative talk or considerations of the possibility of failure. Re-direct those thoughts and stay laser-focused to working toward your goals. By creating the conditions in your mind and life most focused to attaining your personal definition of wealth, you'll work smarter, not harder!

Ron LeGrand Millionaire Maker About Ron LeGrand

My name is Ron LeGrand and one of the things I enjoy most is seeing people achieve Financial Freedom and fulfill their dreams. Fortunately, I get to see that happen frequently.

Before we go any further, let's clear one thing may have heard it said that I’m a "Millionaire Maker." This is absolutely true. I’m personally responsible for helping many people rise into the world of the wealthy and in fact, I’ve included just a few of their success stories here on my website so you can enjoy reading about their achievements, just like I do.

But we’re talking about YOU now! How can you get started in Real Estate and move quickly toward Financial Freedom? The answer is really quite simple ...

Your Financial Future Awaits You!

Click here to see the full author's profile

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